Friday, December 10, 2010

Cozy Home Blog Launch

My family and I have done a lot of launching in the past year! My husband left a 9-year career course to start something new. We moved back to the U.S. after living in Europe for 7 years. Our second son was born. We bought our first house. I started a new business. Now I am launching a new blog!
As a child, I lived in the same home until I was 18-years-old. After college and getting married, I moved 9 times in 9 years. In each location, whether it was base housing, a rented house or apartment, I've always tried to create a warm home atmosphere. To live in our first purchased home is a dream come true, and we're delighted with the prospect of putting down roots.
I have many interests and hobbies, but nearly all of them involve life at home. I love to cook. I try to organize! My interest in decorating is growing exponentially! And, as with any mom, childrearing fills the majority of my time.
I started my business with Willow House, a fabulous company, in August 2010. If you would have asked me if I was interested in direct sales a few years ago, I would have told you absolutely not! Times have changed and so have I! The company's decorating, organizing and entertaining products are top-notch, and I love them. I wanted a little time each day to spend on non-mommy duties. I am determined to be a stay-at-home mom to my precious munchkins, however I do want to get out of the house sometimes! All of these factors collided and viola! Now I'm a Willow House Design Consultant. So far it's been a wonderful marriage of my interests and my lifestyle.
This blog is in part to show you all what I'm learning as I study more design, but it's also to share with you little tips and ideas I find along the way. I hope you enjoy it and check in with me every so often! May your launches, current and future, be far better than you could ever have dreamed!

ps This first post is dedicated to Laura K. who told me to get going on this project and who, by example, encourages people to go big or go home. Of course, if your home is a cozy one, that's not such a bad thing!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! I can't wait to see more of your home decorating ideas :)
