Friday, January 21, 2011

Finish Line

January is cool. Don't get me wrong. Tweaking old habits, employing a new regimen, and starting fresh are a good wake-up from the ruts we all fall into. What about a month to celebrate finishing things, though?

I am a champion "starter". I like to research, plan, list, and get going, but I'm not always so great at following through to the finish. Either that, or it takes me forever to get there!

Part of that comes from being the mama to small kids. I can hardly finish putting the breakfast dishes away before whining (theirs, not mine!), requests, something lost, and/or a dirty diaper diverts my 'flow'. Under these conditions, finishing a book seems like a monumental task! Plus, let's be honest, starting something is usually more fun than the in-between execution of the plan.

I am resolving, however, to finish something in February! Maybe one of the 5 books I have sitting on my night stand! For now, I'm going to focus on finishing a chapter of one of them, shoot, maybe even just a page. Baby steps, right?

What do you want to complete? How are you going to get there? Can the project be broken up into smaller portions so you can have mini-victories along the way? Meet you at the finish line!

1 comment:

  1. I FINALLY finished one of those books. Ugh. Better late than never. I'm chipping away at the others : )
